When Should We Consult the Dentist for Emergency Dental Care?

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emergency dental care

There are many different types and causes of dental concerns. You might be unsure if your dental emergency requires an immediate trip to the emergency dentist or not. Some dental emergencies, if left untreated (even for a night), can result in permanent tooth loss.

There are some serious dental issues that demand more immediate care than others. Your dental health could suffer significantly if you don’t get emergency care.

When Should You Look for Urgent Dental Care?

Dental emergencies like bleeding gums chipped, loose, or dislodged teeth, facial injuries, and lost fillings or crowns should be treated immediately. You can reach out to our dentist in Saskatoon, who focuses on treating dental emergencies and fully restoring our patients’ oral health. Our emergency dentist here at Brighton Dental can either provide care at their dental office or prescribe medications to assist you in treating an infection, depending on your specific case.

Common Signs You Are Experiencing A Dental Emergency

  • Swollen Cheeks With Jaw Pain

Patients with bruxism, sometimes known as “teeth grinding,” involuntarily clench their teeth. It is challenging to handle because this typically occurs while one is asleep. Yet, it results in issues, such as a broken molar, that need urgent attention.

There are numerous reasons why you could feel jaw pain, just like a toothache. Nonetheless, it is frequently said that patients who participate in vigorous sports are to blame. It’s interesting to note that TMJ pain can still occur in those who don’t participate in sports.

What to do: To relieve jaw discomfort, use an ice pack on the afflicted area for about 10 minutes. In the event that this is unsuccessful, over-the-counter painkillers also perform well.

  • Pericoronitis

An infection of the gum tissue is called pericoronitis. The third and final set of molars that most individuals get in their late teens or early twenties, your wisdom teeth, are where it frequently happens. It is more frequent in your lower teeth.

  • Jaw Cyst

Jaw cysts include fluid, air, and other materials. The following factors enhance the likelihood of acquiring jaw cysts:

  1. Oral hygiene issues
  2. Unsatisfactory dentures
  3. Malnutrition
  4. Teeth’s rough surface
  5. Alcohol and tobacco use

The dentist will inquire about your medical background and thoroughly examine your mouth, jaws, and teeth during the diagnostic. 

  • Broken Tooth

Sensitivity may result from injuries like tooth cracks and molar chips. Generally, the tooth gets injured when the patient lacks calcium. A deficiency of calcium will make teeth brittle and fragile, which will eventually cause pain from shattered teeth.

Keep the fragments of the shattered tooth on a fresh piece of gauze. Apply nothing to the cracks and spaces in the broken tooth. Rinse them with warm water instead. Apply cold compresses to the areas of pain and edema.

  • Bleeding Gums

Because of their sensitivity, the gums can still easily bleed upon impact, even when patients wear mouthguards. If neglected, soft tissue injuries can be lethal.

Also, if you don’t properly clean your mouth, your gums will start to bleed. Only at your dentist’s office can you get a complete mouth cleaning. Hence, if you frequently forget to go to the dentist, you are more likely to have this mouth condition.

What to do: If your gums are bleeding, apply a fresh piece of gauze to the area to halt the flow. Afterwards, to help the wound heal, rinse your mouth with a saltwater solution.

Finding The Right Emergency Dentist In Saskatoon

With the proper attitude, most of these dental crises can be treated at home. Your choices will still determine whether your priceless teeth are saved or lost.

If you experience excruciating pain or if there is significant bleeding, you should seek out a walk-in dentist right away. Similarly, if the infection in your tooth is already life-threatening, head straight to the emergency room.

If you must walk outside during these circumstances, be constantly mindful of your surroundings. Always keep in mind that there will be an external threat present, even in an emergency. Contact your Saskatoon emergency dentist to find out the best practices for your health.