Types of Dental Implants: Endosteal vs. Subperiosteal

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types of dental implants endosteal vs subperiosteal

Smiles are contagious, they say. But what happens when that confidence fades due to missing teeth? Thanks to modern dentistry, dental implants in Saskatoon have become a beacon of hope for restoring that lost sparkle. 

Two primary types stand out among the diverse options: endosteal and subperiosteal implants. Let’s delve into these fascinating dental solutions to understand how they differ and which might fit you.

Endosteal Implants: The Foundation Within

Imagine a strong foundation for a building; that’s what endosteal implants aim to create for your smile. These implants get placed directly into the jawbone, mimicking the structure of a natural tooth root. 

They come in various shapes and sizes, made from titanium, and tailored to fit each patient’s jawbone dimensions and needs. The surgical procedure for endosteal implants involves making an incision into the gum to expose the jawbone. 

Then, a hole is drilled into the bone using precise tools at a dental clinic, allowing the implant to be securely placed. Over time, the bone fuses with the implant, creating a robust and long-lasting support for the artificial tooth or teeth to be mounted.

Benefits of Endosteal Implants

  1. Durability: Due to their direct integration with the jawbone, endosteal implants offer exceptional stability, often lasting a lifetime with proper care.
  2. Natural Feel: They closely resemble the feel and function of natural teeth, enhancing comfort and chewing ability.
  3. Versatility: Whether replacing a single tooth or supporting a complete set of dentures, endosteal implants are versatile and adaptable to various dental restoration needs.

However, candidacy for endosteal implants requires a healthy jawbone with ample density to support the implant. An alternative solution may be recommended in cases of bone loss or insufficient bone structure.

Subperiosteal Implants: The Custom Fit

For those with inadequate jawbone structure, subperiosteal implants present an innovative alternative. Unlike endosteal implants that go directly into the bone, subperiosteal implants rest on the jawbone, beneath the gums.

The procedure involves a different approach: a 3D image of the jawbone is used to design a custom-fit metal framework. This framework, resembling a horseshoe shape, is placed on the bone but beneath the gums. 

Once the gums heal, the implant becomes firmly positioned. Posts protruding from the gums allow for the attachment of artificial teeth.

Benefits of Subperiosteal Implants

  1. Bone Health: They can be an option for individuals with bone loss issues, as they don’t require as much bone density for placement.
  2. Adaptability: Subperiosteal implants can support various dental prosthetics, offering flexibility in treatment options.
  3. Procedure Simplicity: Compared to bone grafting for endosteal implants, the process for subperiosteal implants may be less invasive.

However, while suitable for those with bone loss, subperiosteal implants may not offer the same stability as endosteal implants. Regular check-ups with the dentist are crucial to monitor their condition and ensure proper function.

Choosing the Right Fit

Determining the ideal implant type involves a comprehensive evaluation by a dental professional. Factors such as jawbone health, the patient’s oral hygiene, and individual preferences are pivotal in making this decision.

Those with adequate bone density often find endosteal implants their first choice due to their durability and natural feel. On the other hand, individuals with bone loss issues might benefit more from subperiosteal implants, offering a viable solution when bone grafting isn’t an option.

The Final Verdict

Dental implants keep evolving, offering solutions tailored to diverse dental needs. Whether opting for the robustness of endosteal implants or the adaptability of subperiosteal implants, both types have revolutionized dental restoration, providing patients with renewed confidence in their smiles.

Always consult a qualified dental professional to explore the best-suited option for your specific circumstances. With the right choice and proper care, dental implants pave the way for a brighter, more confident smile that can last a lifetime.

Brighton Dental Specializes in Both Dental Implants: Endosteal and Subperiosteal

At Brighton Dental, we specialize in comprehensive dental care, offering expertise in both endosteal and subperiosteal dental implants. Our team understands the significance of your smile and ensures personalized consultations to determine the most suitable implant solution.

Whether it’s the robust stability of endosteal implants or the innovative approach of subperiosteal implants, our dental clinic in Saskatoon ensures top-notch care and precision in every procedure. 

With a commitment to excellence and cutting-edge techniques, Brighton Dental aims to restore confidence in your smile, offering tailored implant options that prioritize comfort, durability, and a natural look and feel.