Should You Fly After Having a Tooth Extraction?

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should you fly after having a tooth extraction

If you have been told you require tooth extractions in Saskatoon, you may feel like there is no good time to get the procedure done. All of us have jam-packed schedules, and fitting tooth extractions into your busy schedule may prove difficult. For those who have a business trip or vacation planned, you may be wondering, “can I fly after a tooth extraction?”.

Typically, it takes a few days to recover after a tooth extraction, and most dentists recommend that patients rest for at least two days before getting onto an airplane. This rest will allow you to have a seamless recovery. While it is safe to fly after most dental treatments, getting on a plane within the first 24-48 hours can cause discomfort.

How Dangerous is Flying After a Tooth Extraction?

Although flying after a tooth extraction is not considered dangerous, one should recognize that flying after tooth extraction can cause pain and discomfort, even in healthy patients. Headaches, sinus pressure, and other pain can come from pressure changes in the cabin. Any of these problems can be amplified for someone who has recently gotten tooth extractions.

Prepare Before Your Flight

If you must fly shortly after getting tooth extractions, our dentist recommends that you be prepared by doing some of the following:

• Bring your pain medication with you and consider taking it before your plane takes off to lessen the discomfort you may feel.

• Make sure to have extra clean gauze on hand in case you are still bleeding slightly from your extraction site.

• You must avoid cold, hot, and acidic drinks after getting tooth extractions, so it is a good idea to pack a large reusable water bottle to stay hydrated throughout the flight.

• Ensure that you know the contact information for your dentist in Saskatoon. In case of unexpected pain or other symptoms, you will be able to speak to your dentist and get over-the-phone advice.

• Pack an empty bag for ice. If you experience any swelling or pain mid-flight, you can ask your flight attendant for some ice to put into your bag, which you can use as a cold compress.

Tips to Ease Discomfort While Flying

As well as packing the things stated above, you can do a couple of other things to lessen your discomfort if you are travelling after tooth extraction. Firstly, try your best to relax during the flight. Listen to some soothing music or put on your comfort movie as you settle in. Secondly, you may still want to stick to soft foods, so make sure to grab some easy-to-eat snacks at the airport, like yogurt, soup, or a smoothie.

Enjoy Your Flight!

If you can, try to ensure that your tooth extraction procedure and flight aren’t too close together on your calendar. It is typically safe to fly after most dental procedures, but it can cause a fair amount of discomfort to do so too soon, and no one wants to begin a trip with a painful flight experience. Most importantly, make sure to visit your dental office and speak to your dentist about your travel plans.

Our dentist at Brighton Dental will help you understand what to expect and provide you with the information you need to be prepared and have a pain-free, relaxing flight. If you have any additional questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact our team of dedicated dental professionals today!